RC Jets - The real flying machines

If you are reading this article then you must be an enthusiast of flying rc jets or you are getting to learn how to fly rc jets. For the beginners it is always advised that they must start the remote controlled jet flying hobby with the starter airplanes for beginners and then they can shift to flying remote controlled jets. The slower kind of rc airplanes are usually electric rc airplanes and only those are recommended for the novices. The remote controlled airplanes with gas engines are higher in speed and are difficult to maintain, I will cover gas rc airplanes in my other article.

The point comes in mind why remote controlled jets are not advisable to be flown in the first place when you eventually have to go for it? Well the answer lays right there in the question for which you wanted to fly the remote controlled jet and that is speed. Yes the greater speed rc jets have enable them to be far exhilarating, thrill and fun than the slower kind of rc airplanes even if they use gas engine. This speed makes rc jets difficult to control and maneuver correctly and require skills which can be learned and developed through practice.

There are remote controlled jets available which are electric driven more often called as EDFs or electric ducted fan jets, these are very good and are able to perform very advanced maneuvers but they are not to be confused with the turbo rc jets, which are installed with real turbo jet turbine engines. These turbo rc jets are as same as their full scale passenger carrying counterparts, they look and even sound the same and are much more speedy than an electric rc jet. Since we are in this hobby of flying rc jets for the thrill of flying and flying fast, turbo rc ejts are the ones whose speed is yet to be beaten by any further advancement in technology.

1 comment:

  1. Wow it’s a valuable post about the real flying machines for RC Jets and also valuable information about the larger speed rc jets have enable them to be far invigorating, thrill and fun than the slower kind of rc airplanes even if they use gas engine. So thanks for share this valuable post.
    rc jets
