New Liposuction Technique: Body-Jet


If you've ever heard about liposuction or its technique, you've probably heard of tumescent liposuction. Body-Jet liposuction was developed from the tumescent technique, allowing this new procedure to bring about better results.

Body-Jet new technique makes it different from and superior to the tumescent technique, which we will discuss in greater detail.

Why Body-Jet is safer and better

The Body-Jet, also referred to as Water Jet Liposuction (WAL), uses a thin, fan-shaped jet that is channeled into the fat tissue. As a result, the fat easily loses its structure and is released.

For the Body-Jet, a pressure system has been developed. This pressure system directs the infiltration solution through a closed tubing system via a piston pump and into a very thin application cannula.

The application cannula is surrounded by an external cannula, which can have different diameters and openings depending on its purpose.

The surgeon who performs liposuction using the Body-Jet technique can choose the rate of infiltration and the level of pressure by using computer software.

The solution

To minimize the side effects of liposuction, this new technique was developed with a two-stage concept.

Pre-infiltration produces rapid anesthetization and vasoconstriction in the liposuction treatment. Then, the liposuction will be carried out through a rinsing solution.

The two-stage concept uses two tumescent solutions that are combined for the water jet technique. The infiltration is performed with a short-acting analgesic with rapid uptake. In this process, the infiltration is also performed with a long-acting analgesic with slow uptake.

The process is performed under continually added and almost immediate aspiration during the liposuction treatment. Therefore, the concentration in the rinsing solution can be reduced.

The surgeon can avoid the "tearing up" effect because the Body-Jet technique gives the surgeon ability to easily "suck" the fat off the patient's body.


With the Body-Jet, the patient will be prepared as though for a typical liposuction treatment. Anesthetization and vasoconstriction take place over a shorter period of time, compared with the tumescent technique.

The patient will be awake during the process and can work with the surgeon to obtain the desired result. The patient can get up during the treatment and look in the mirror to see the results. This is another advantage of the Body-Jet, since it gives the patient the ability to see the results, even before the process has ended.


As you can see, the way the Body-Jet performs the liposuction process makes it easier for the surgeon to remove fat out from the patient's body.

To summarize, the advantages of the Body-Jet technique are the following:

1. The tissue is not destroyed.
2. Pain, swelling and blue patches are reduced.
3. A smaller quantity of analgesia is required.
4. The result can be optimized during the treatment.
5. Subsequent corrections are minimized.
6. The results can be seen immediately.
7. The operation period is significantly shorter.


Body-Jet gives the patient better results and satisfaction. If you compare Body-Jet with tumescent technique, you can see that Body-Jet is the better choice.

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